Author Topic:  Free & Taken Canon Characters  (Read 36606 times)

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1270 Posts played by MH Admin
Free & Taken Canon Characters
« on: April 06, 2008, 03:05:36 PM »
    free & taken canon characters

    Looking to apply for a canon character? You've come to the right place!

    We've compiled a nearly comprehensive list of the canon characters and grouped them into four sections: Major, Minor, Mentioned, and Canon-plus, and Professional Quidditch Players. The Canon-plus section includes any characters mentioned in interviews with J.K., video games, chocolate frog cards, etc. - essentially, anywhere other than the seven novels. The Quidditch section is currently being compiled and will be released in the coming weeks. Within most of these five sections, characters are sub-grouped by age (adult, student) or classified as "other" in the case of non-human characters. We have hyperlinked many unclaimed characters' names to a HP Wikia page with some information about them if you're having trouble deciding or remembering who a particular character is.

    Note: Any characters with Special Features (e.g. Rita Skeeter - Animagus) are automatically classified as Major canons. Some "beasts" will be classified higher due to their species, e.g. Bane could be considered Mentioned, but as a Centaur he is classified as Minor. Portraits, non-humans and ghosts as classified as "Other." Also, please note that certain canons are not available to be played, as Administration uses them for plot purposes.

    the application and claims rules are as follows:
    • There is no limit on how many canons you may play. When reviewing each application, we consider both the quality of the application and your writing history as a driver on the site.
    • Major canons require activity on the board for about two months, with a good standard of role-playing and reliability.
    • Minor canons may be applied for after one month of activity on the forum.
    • Mentioned canons and Canon-plus characters may be applied for at any time. However, if you want a mentioned canon for your first character, please apply below with a role-play sample from the desired character's perspective to be considered.
    • Canon characters will remain in pending status for six months after the application has been approved. During this time, you should finish the character sheet. If you feel you will need an extension, it is your responsibility to contact an admin before the six-month deadline expires to request an extension. If you do not do this, we will consider other players' applications for this canon after the six months have elapsed.
    • Extensions, if granted, last for an additional six months beyond the original approval date and are non-renewable. If you are unable to finish the canon sheet after that, you'll need to reapply for said canon.
    • If you fail to PM an admin after the original claim is up and someone else applies for the same canon, you can also re-apply, but there will be no guarantee that you will be approved for that same character again.
    • If you play a canon character and have not posted him/her IC (in character) in more than six months, s/he will be deemed "open for new applications" and another driver may apply for the canon. After one year of IC inactivity, your claim will be removed and the character will be archived. If you'd like to continue to play this character, you'll need to re-apply.
    • If you have applied for or currently have a Sorted canon character, your claim will be removed from the list if 1) another driver applies for the canon in question after six months (if no extension) of IC inactivity, or 2) after one year (regardless of whether an extension was granted) of IC inactivity.

    If you are an established member, you need only write a role-play sample when applying for Major or Minor canons. For characters that are Mentioned or Canon-plus, it is sufficient to reply to this thread with: "I would like to play ***." And please remember, just because you have been allowed to work on a sheet does not guarantee you are getting the character!

    A teal blue name denotes that a character has been claimed and a sheet is being worked on. The date listed indicates when the original application was approved, and a red asterisk * following that date indicates a six-month extension has been granted.
    • If there is NOT an asterisk, the canon will be open to new applications six months after the posted date.
    • If there IS an asterisk, the canon will be open to new applications one year after the posted date.
    • After one year, if the WIP sheet has not yet been submitted for Sorting, the claim will be removed. If you'd like to continue to be considered, you'll need to re-apply.
    A bold, colored name (linked to the character's profile) denotes that the character is currently taken and actively played.

    A gold name denotes a character who was played in the past, but has been inactive IC for at least six months, thus open for new applications.

    A purple name denotes a character claimed by the admin team for plot purposes.

    Last added-to: [lia]11 June 2021[/lia]
    Last pruned comprehensively for activity: 22 February 2021
    Last update to rules: 15 July 2019

    « Last Edit: October 23, 2022, 11:41:05 AM by Olivia »

    1270 Posts played by MH Admin
    Free & Taken Canon Characters
    « Reply #1 on: April 06, 2008, 03:06:00 PM »
    major characters

    Hannah Abbott 
    Lavender Brown
    Millicent Bulstrode
    Cho Chang
    Fleur (Delacour) Weasley
    Argus Filch
    Seamus Finnigan
    Filius Flitwick
    Gregory Goyle
    Hermione Granger
    Rubeus Hagrid
    Viktor Krum
    Neville Longbottom
    Luna Lovegood
    Ernie Macmillan
    Draco Malfoy
    Lucius Malfoy
    Narcissa Malfoy
    Olympe Maxime
    Minerva McGonagall
    Garrick Ollivander
    Pansy Parkinson
    Padma Patil Mickie ~ 10 Feb 2023
    Parvati Patil
    Kingsley Shacklebolt
    Harry Potter
    Rita Skeeter
    Horace Slughorn
    Pomona Sprout
    Dean Thomas
    Arthur Weasley
    Bill Weasley
    Charlie Weasley
    George Weasley
    Ginny (Weasley) Potter
    Molly Weasley
    Percy Weasley
    Ron Weasley

    Moaning Myrtle
    Mrs. Norris
    Nearly Headless Nick

    minor characters

    Stewart Ackerley
    Ludovic Bagman
    Marcus Belby
    Katie Bell
    Susan Bones
    Terry Boot Vee ~ 25 Mar 2023
    Alecto Carrow
    Amycus Carrow
    Dennis Creevey
    Gabrielle Delacour
    Aberforth Dumbledore
    Marietta Edgecombe
    Arabella Figg
    Justin Finch-Fletchley
    Mundungus Fletcher
    Marcus Flint
    Anthony Goldstein
    Astoria (Greengrass) Malfoy
    Daphne Greengrass Ashton - 26 Jul 2023
    Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank
    Rolanda Hooch
    Mafalda Hopkirk
    Gwenog Jones
    Lee Jordan
    Augusta Longbottom
    Xenophilius Lovegood
    Cormac McLaggen
    Padma Patil
    Irma Pince
    Poppy Pomfrey
    Demelza Robins
    Madam Rosmerta
    Stan Shunpike
    Aurora Sinistra
    Zacharias Smith
    Pius Thicknesse
    Sybill Trelawney
    Dolores Umbridge
    Romilda Vane
    Blaise Zabini

    Cuthbert Binns
    Bloody Baron
    Sir Cadogan
    Fat Friar
    Fat Lady
    Phineas Nigellus Black
    The Grey Lady
    « Last Edit: October 14, 2023, 12:28:15 PM by lee »

    1270 Posts played by MH Admin
    Free & Taken Canon Characters
    « Reply #2 on: April 06, 2008, 03:06:25 PM »
    mentioned characters

    Euan Abercrombie
    Bertram Aubrey
    Bathsheda Babbling
    Malcom Baddock
    Otto Bagman
    Ali Bashir
    Damocles Belby
    Miles Bletchley
    Lucia Bole
    Eleanor Branstone
    Mandy Brocklehurst
    Caratacus Burke
    Eddie Carmichael
    Mary Cattermole
    Reginald Cattermole
    Owen Cauldwell
    Penelope Clearwater
    Ritchie Coote
    Michael Corner
    Crabbe Sr
    Saul Croaker
    Doris Crockford
    Roger Davies
    John Dawlish
    Apoline Delacour
    Monsieur Delacour
    Peregine Derrick
    Dedalus Diggle
    Amos Diggory
    Mrs. Diggory
    Ivor Dillonsby
    Vasily Dimitrov
    Harold Dingle
    Emma Dobbs
    Elphias Doge
    Madam Edgecombe
    Mr. Edgecombe
    S. Fawcett
    Mrs. Finnigan
    Amrosius Flume
    Mrs. Flume

    Dragomir Gorgovitch
    Miranda Goshawk
    Goyle Sr
    Davey Gudgeon
    Gladys Gudgeon
    Ciceron Harkiss
    Warty Harris
    Bertie Higgs
    Terence Higgs
    Clara Ivanoa
    Joey Jenkins
    Destia Jones
    Silvanus Kettleburn
    Andrew Kirke
    Alexie Levski
    Algie Longbottom
    Aidan Lynch
    Morag MacDougal
    Laura Madley
    Walden Macnair
    Madam Malkin
    Griselda Machbanks
    Natalie McDonald
    Tiberius McLaggen
    Araminta Meliflua
    Galatea Merrythought
    Eloise Midgen
    Cuthebert Mockridge
    Gram Mantague

    Hassan Mostafa
    Eric Munch
    Toberius Ogden
    Jimmy Peakes
    Sally-Anne Perks
    Sturgis Podmore
    Ernie Prang
    Graham Pritchard
    Adrian Pucey
    Madam Puddifoot
    Doris Purkiss
    Augustus Pye
    Orla Quirke
    Gawain Robards
    Augustus Rookwood
    Rosier family
    Thorfinn Rowle
    Albert Runcorn
    Berry Ryan
    Selwyn Family
    Jack Sloper
    Hippocrates Smethwyck
    Phylilda Spore
    Patricia Stimpson
    Miriam Strout
    Emeric Switch
    Agatha Timms
    Andromeda Tonks
    Kenneth Towler
    Donaghan Tremlett
    Quentin Trimble
    Lisa Turpin
    Wilkie Twycross
    Septima Vector

    Myron Wagtail
    Celestina Warbeck
    C. Warrington
    Kevin Whitby
    Willy Widdershins
    Gilbert Wimple
    Eldred Worple
    Rose Zeller
    Melinda Bobbin
    Ellie Cattermole
    Maisie Cattermole
    Alfred Cattermole
    Vicky Frobisher
    Geoffrey Hooper
    Sir Patrick Delaney-Podmore
    Dilys Derwent
    « Last Edit: October 14, 2023, 12:29:08 PM by lee »

    1270 Posts played by MH Admin
    Free & Taken Canon Characters
    « Reply #3 on: August 30, 2013, 04:39:18 AM »
    canon-plus characters

    ** indicates an original character with an admin-approved connection to a canon line

    Heathcote Barbary
    Herbert Beery
    Druella Black (née Rosier)
    Irma Black (née Crabbe)
    Timothy Blenkinsop
    Betty Braithwaite
    Rudolf Brand
    Karl Broadmoor
    Kevin Broadmoor
    Ruairi Lennon Brown
    Randolph Burrow
    S. Capper
    Greta Catchlove
    Glenda Chittock
    Agatha Chubb
    Magenta Comstock
    Stephen Cornfoot
    Gideon Crumb
    Barnabas Cuffe
    Tracey Davis
    Anto Dawlish **
    Philbert Deverill
    J. Dorny
    Kirley Duke
    Matilda Dukelow
    B. Dunstan
    Kevin Entwhistle
    Laurentia Fletwock
    Fergie Flume **
    Honey Bea Flume **
    Rufus Fudge
    Merton Graves
    Glynnis Griffiths
    Galvin Gudgeon
    Wayne Hopkins
    Daisy Hookum
    Basil Horton
    Duncan Inglebee
    Leonard Jewkes
    Megan Jones
    Stamford Jorkins
    Roland Kegg
    Randolph Keitch
    Aidan Kiely
    Su Li
    Hamish MacFarland
    Roderick Macnair **
    Alasdair Maddox
    Catriona McCormack
    Kirley Duke McCormack
    Meghan McCormack
    Tarquin McTavish

    Lily Moon
    Gwendolyn Morgan
    Valmai Morgan
    Eunice Murray
    Dunbar Oglethorpe
    Darren O'Hare
    Grover Ollivander
    Korrine Ollivander **
    Lesleigh Ollivander **
    Grant Page
    Carlotta Pinkstone
    Roderick Plumpton
    Roddy Pontner
    Petrova Porskoff
    Oliver Rivers
    Sophie Roper
    Eris Rosier **
    Waldrick Rowle **
    Grugwyn Rufford
    Porpentina (Goldstein) Scamander
    Newt Scamander
    Rolf Scamander **
    Brutus Scrimgeour
    Halvard Selwyn **
    Derwent Shimpling
    Gaspard Shingleton
    Sally Smith
    Jeremy Stretton
    Orsino Thruston
    Tilden Toots
    Mallory Twiddle
    Joscelind Wadcock
    Audrey Weasley
    Kennilworthy Whisp
    Devlin Whitehorn
    Wilhelm Wigworthy
    Benjy Williams
    Herman Wintringham
    Aldous Cresswell **
    Simon Cresswell **
    Mavis Nandamuri **
    Archie Macnair **
    « Last Edit: July 26, 2023, 01:59:52 PM by Olivia »

    827 Posts
    Free & Taken Canon Characters
    « Reply #4 on: July 06, 2021, 08:56:39 PM »
    hello i'd like to apply for terry boot! i've talked with fosse and lianne about michael/tony things <333

    The night was mostly quiet, aside from the sounds of his footsteps.

    Terry had apparated down the street, rather than right in front of the house; he had purposefully given himself extra time, but was currently spending it with his sneakered feet pounding the pavement with impatient purpose as he marched to the front door. So that hadn?óÔé¼Ôäót been much use, he supposed.

    God, he was going to get shit for this, and honestly, it?óÔé¼Ôäód be completely deserved.

    He tucked his wand away distractedly, then adjusted his backpack straps as he walked. Ideally, he?óÔé¼Ôäód just slip right in without anyone asking any questions, but he knew that that fantasy was steeped entirely in insanity. He was supposed to have been away for two months, and was instead back after exactly seventeen days. Two and a half weeks. Oh, there would be questions. Questions and looks and ?óÔé¼ÔÇØ and he?óÔé¼Ôäód take it all and let it roll off of him, like he always did. Even imagining the most disapproving, smug versions of Michael and Anthony just made him feel sentimental, right at this moment.

    He made it to the front door and hesitated for the shortest moment, uncertainty slipping in suddenly, as if he?óÔé¼Ôäód only just realised how silly this all was and hadn?óÔé¼Ôäót been thinking about it from the moment he?óÔé¼Ôäód left the hostel. Get it together, Boot. He rapped his knuckles on the door a couple of times, overthinking how to make a knock sound more ?óÔé¼?£casual?óÔé¼Ôäó.

    Terry and his (now ex?óÔé¼ÔÇØ)girlfriend had made all kinds of promises in the last couple of months of ?óÔé¼?£term?óÔé¼Ôäó, if it could be called that. He?óÔé¼Ôäód already forgiven himself for that part in particular; things had been very intense in April, to put it lightly. Naturally, he?óÔé¼Ôäód spent most of May with his Mum, and she?óÔé¼Ôäód been supportive of his late-summer backpacking trip with his girlfriend. It had seemed like a grand idea at the time, some kind of ill-advised right of passage or a moment of relaxation after all of the bullshit, but he?óÔé¼Ôäód known as soon as he?óÔé¼Ôäód left that he wasn?óÔé¼Ôäót ready to go. It was completely and utterly his own fault for getting caught up, like he always did, and committing to far more than he was ready for.

    Poor Jenna, of course, had been rightfully pissed off. Who wouldn?óÔé¼Ôäót be, after basically being ditched in a foreign country by someone who was supposed to be in love with you? That part was a lot less forgivable than the initial making-promises part, and he felt (another) twist of guilt about it, but Terry was trying hard not to let it dominate his thoughts Right Now. He?óÔé¼Ôäód known he needed to be here, so here he was. He didn?óÔé¼Ôäót know if the others would understand, but they understood him better than anyone ?óÔé¼ÔÇØ Jenna and his Mum included ?óÔé¼ÔÇØ and that was all he could ask for.

    He shifted his weight from foot to foot, waiting (im)patiently for someone to open the door. After a million years (maybe twenty seconds), it happened. ?óÔé¼?ôHey,?óÔé¼?Ø he breathed, stilling. His expression, his smile, was initially sheepish and a little guilty, but even the guilt couldn?óÔé¼Ôäót hold out against the relief he felt seeing his friends, and he could feel his expression shifting and ?óÔé¼ÔÇØ Merlin he was being sappy, wasn't he? He was going to get so much (completely appropriate) shit, for this. But right now he just felt happy to see them.

    3569 Posts 33 she/her EST (GMT-5)
    Re: Free & Taken Canon Characters
    « Reply #5 on: December 03, 2018, 03:58:34 PM »
    Hi, friends! After a long (lowkey several years tbh) consideration, IÔÇÖd like to apply for Ginny Weasley. IÔÇÖve spoken with Dylan and also with Ashton, and both have given the go-ahead.

    I do acknowledge that my IC activity has been a bit sluggish over the past few weeks thanks to my surgery clerkship, but that ends this Friday and the coming weeks will be substantially more flexible. Even so, IÔÇÖve managed to post all of my characters (except 2) within the past 2-3 months which, again, will only improve going forward. I miss having the major canons around and am looking forward to helping revive that movement! Thanks in advance for the consideration. <33

    Every single muscle in Ginnys body was protesting, each clamoring to be heard above the other. Muscles she didnt know she had quivered and trembled with fatigue; her sweat-soaked practice clothes had been double-bagged so as not to contaminate the rest of her gym bag. She and Wen had left the lockers together, and were about to Apparate back home (well, Wens home Ginnys temporary crash-pad) when the Welsh woman was flagged down by one of their teammates. Wen had waved Ginny on ahead, and so the redhead had gratefully taken her leave.

    Shed showered before leaving the pitch, of course, but what she wanted more than anything at the moment was a bath hot enough to turn her pink. It was July, but her body screamed for relief. Workouts had been brutal this week, no question, what with the World Cup less than a month away but something else was tying her muscles into knots.

    Producing the key her friend had given her, Ginny went straight to the bathroom, detouring only to dump her stuff on her makeshift bed without breaking stride. Closing the door firmly behind her, Ginny turned and leaned her full weight back against it for moment, closing her eyes and pressing the back of her head against its reassuring solidness. A long, low sigh left her lungs in a rush.

    Two weeks, three days.

    Her brown eyes opened again, and she crossed the room to draw the bath. Idly she watched the water level slowly rising, observing the turbulent churning as the water from the tap struck the water in the basin below; her thoughts tumbled similarly.

    She loved Harry ÔÇô she knew that in her soul. So why were they perpetually off-and-on?

    The answer was perhaps, objectively, simple: theyd grown up during a war. Nothing was promised; everything was transient. There was no knowing if or when something held constant in life would be stripped away. Gone, in an instant. She thought of Fred, of Sirius of Hedwig and Remus and Tonks. They had both lost people close to their hearts. Even now, over four years later, she felt their absences: no longer a sting, but a bone-deep ache. Some days weighed more heavily than others. Some days she could think of Fred with a smile; other days, only tears.

    Ginny shed her clothes gratefully, hardly even flinching as she stepped into the near-scalding depths despite her already-flushed skin.

    Perhaps that was why they kept ÔÇ£breaking upÔÇØ ÔÇô and why they kept coming back together. Every time they picked back up, whether it had been two days or two weeks, it felt like starting over. Her brain knew it already, but this was tangible reassurance: that he was still a constant in her life; that he was still there after all.

    But it was more than that, too.

    Ginny often lost herself in her work. It wasnÔÇÖt terribly difficult, really, because the redhead truly loved what she did. Quidditch was demanding, mentally and physically, and she was all-in. She had to be.
    She often lost herself ÔÇô but she always came back when the day was done.

    Harry didnÔÇÖt.
    Even when he didnÔÇÖt stay late at the office ÔÇô even when he was right next to her on the couch in the evenings ÔÇô he wasnÔÇÖt always there. It was like trying to see him through a fogged-up glass.
    For a long while after sheÔÇÖd first moved in with him two years ago, sheÔÇÖd not pressed the matter. Auror training was undoubtedly stressful, and many people still had quite a bit of personal recovery to accomplish in the aftermath of the War ÔÇô herself included. Who was she to judge how people coped? But as the months ticked by, it became more apparent. Every now and then, sheÔÇÖd catch a glimpse through a less-fogged-up part of the glass. And for a fleeting moment, she could see.
    He was wearing himself down, and it worried her. And ÔÇô no matter how many times she brought it up ÔÇô nothing seemed to make a difference. Maybe for a day or two; and then it was right back to where they started.

    The youngest Weasley tilted her head back, her mane of long red hair swirling around her, tickling her ribcage. The world went silent as her ears settled just below the water line. When she shifted the water lapped gently at her face; the comparatively cool air raised gooseflesh on her bare knees.

    Ginny Weasley didnÔÇÖt half-ass anything. She most certainly was not perfect, either; but wasnÔÇÖt as though she was simply leaving for the dramatic flair when they broke up. Much of the time, when they argued, they just talked in circles. Sometimes she felt so numb and so frustrated that she didnÔÇÖt know how else to make the statement.
    And so sheÔÇÖd leave, hoping to remind him as much as herself of the positive things they were missing out on when they were apart. Again, for a short while, it worked; but, as was becoming increasingly apparent, it was not sustainable. It was wearing on both of them. Something had to give: the arguments, or their relationship. And she would be damned if it was the latter. They had been through too much, both together and apart, for her to want the latter ever again.

    Two weeks and three days.

    It was the longest in recent history that theyÔÇÖd gone without speaking. The longest that Harry had let her stay away. What was that saying?
    Ginny Weasley rarely conceded. She stuck to her guns, come hell or high water. She was used to fighting tooth and nail for what and who she loved. But what if this time was different?

    She sat up abruptly in the bath, soaked hair plastered to her neck, rivulets of water making their way down her freckled arms and off her elbows as she drew her knees to her chest and hugged them. She shouldnÔÇÖt encroach on WenÔÇÖs hospitality any longer. But, more importantly, she couldnÔÇÖt let this emotional torment go on any longer. She didnÔÇÖt want it to.

    She was going back to Grimmauld Place, tonight. And this time, she would make the amends.

    Permission granted from Dylan to mention Morwen and Harry as above.
    || pinterest | threadlist | Anni 2017 . gryff!pride ||

    intermittently (and unpredictably) super busy - sorry!

    2352 Posts
    Re: Free & Taken Canon Characters
    « Reply #6 on: February 28, 2019, 11:38:05 PM »
    hello, i'd like to play fergie flume (brother of;u=23459' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>@Honey Bea Flume). assuming i need approval for this?
    please let me know if you would like further information.

    get in loser

    Re: Free & Taken Canon Characters
    « Reply #7 on: March 01, 2019, 10:28:02 AM »
    ('Laura link' dateline='1551415085')
    hello, i'd like to play fergie flume (brother of <a href=';u=23459' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>@Honey Bea Flume[/url]). assuming i need approval for this?
    please let me know if you would like further information.

    [lena]Approved! Please make a sheet~[/lena]
    « Last Edit: October 23, 2022, 11:33:34 AM by Olivia »

    2105 Posts
    Re: Free & Taken Canon Characters
    « Reply #8 on: May 21, 2020, 03:22:48 PM »
    Hello I would like to apply to create Mavis Grant,;u=25738' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>@Michael Corner 's half sister. I have spoken with;u=24029' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>@Lianne about it <3333

    1082 Posts
    Re: Free & Taken Canon Characters
    « Reply #9 on: November 22, 2020, 01:20:38 PM »
    'Gage link' dateline='1606005708'
    a rogue! neville longbottom application
    if this comes to be, willing to chat through any and all canon connections

    am i an established member? who knows

    peace 'n love

    Neville pulled his hands roughly through his bed swept hair. His fingers, in some attempt to ground himself, pressed into the flesh of his scalp. Right on time with the sound of birds singing their dawn song, his hazel eyes fluttered closed then open again to take in more of the familiar dewy countryside as it came to light. It was damp in the otherwise crisp winter air and warmer than it had been in the days leading up to Christmas. A sure threat of more snow to come, he thought to himself as he dug the toe of his house slipper into the sludge mixed with the gravel of the drive.
    The holidays had never been easy for Neville.

    Even in the happiest, most seemingly cheerful of times, he found himself reveling more in the morose. It was his mind's way of keeping him from getting his hopes up too high, he figured, keeping him from truly believing that things were capable of being good?óÔé¼ÔÇØ being really fucking good, even.

    Because, really, things had been good.

    It had taken a few years, but Augusta had started to acknowledge his career choice as something real, post-auror-debacle, though she only spoke it outwardly every now and again. Neville expected little more so he was always grateful. Even if her praise was in the form of a backhanded compliment about his prowess in the garden whilst struggling to fix her fireplace vent, as it had been the night before.

    Once she'd gone to bed he broke into the forgotten wine cabinet upstairs and polished off a bottle that he was still feeling the effect of in the new day.

    As the sun came up over the hill, Neville studied the houses dotted down the lane. They all looked the same from a distance. It was Christmas Day and he imagined that most kids had just succumbed to the urge to wake up their parents so that they could see what gifts were left for them under the tree. He knew little of that kind of memory but felt nostalgic for it all the same. Neville sighed, pulling himself together before struggling to his feet with his hand pressed into his temple to avoid the looming ache.

    He would make eggs and toast, and then he and his Grandmother would have morning tea. As far as Christmas traditions went, it could be worse, he thought.

    [lia]approved! please make a sheet <a href=';u=23721' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>@Gage[/url]
    « Last Edit: October 23, 2022, 11:30:21 AM by Olivia »

    Re: Free & Taken Canon Characters
    « Reply #10 on: April 19, 2019, 07:07:37 AM »
    ('Nan link' dateline='1555628007')
    making the assumption i have to come here

    am jumping on the first year train and would like to make simon cresswell (aldous's brother)
    have talked to <a href=';u=23701' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>@Emily[/url] about it (am excited)

    [lena] <a href=';u=24029' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>@Nan[/url] Approved! Please make a sheet~[/lena]
    « Last Edit: October 23, 2022, 11:31:14 AM by Olivia »

    1082 Posts
    Re: Free & Taken Canon Characters
    « Reply #11 on: April 18, 2019, 06:53:27 PM »
    making the assumption i have to come here

    am jumping on the first year train and would like to make simon cresswell (aldous's brother)
    have talked to;u=23701' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>@Emily about it (am excited)

    1082 Posts
    Re: Free & Taken Canon Characters
    « Reply #12 on: April 30, 2019, 02:55:36 PM »
    Hullo hullo hullo
    Wondering if I could apply for Avery (II) he's under "mentioned adults"
    There's no canon word on whether he died or was arrested or even at the battle of hogwarts

    thank youuuu ÔØñ´©Å?

    Re: Free & Taken Canon Characters
    « Reply #13 on: May 04, 2019, 03:15:30 PM »
    ('Nan link' dateline='1556650536')
    Hullo hullo hullo
    Wondering if I could apply for Avery (II) he's under "mentioned adults"
    There's no canon word on whether he died or was arrested or even at the battle of hogwarts

    thank youuuu ÔØñ´©Å?

    [lena] <a href=';u=24029' rel='nofollow noopener' target='_blank'>@Nan[/url] Approved! Please make a sheet~[/lena]
    « Last Edit: October 23, 2022, 11:31:45 AM by Olivia »

    123 Posts
    Re: Free & Taken Canon Characters
    « Reply #14 on: May 05, 2019, 05:58:21 PM »

    I'd like permission to use the Selwyn family line please :)

    I'm working on a Death Eater character where it will be an important part of his plot that he is heir to an old Pureblood line ("Sacred 28", previously wealthy and influential) that has fallen into disrepute and poverty.

    I believe the Selwyn family would be a suitable fit because Canon implies they were once a great family (though evidently not very significant in recent history) but is sufficiently vague enough for me to build an original background and plot without contradicting anything.

    My character will be mid to late 20's and his father would be the Death Eater known as Selwyn, although through his mother he would end up residing in Germany and attending Beauxbatons school and wouldn't return to the UK until his father recruited kidnapped him during the Second Wizarding War and had him join the Dark Lord's followers.?á He would escape persecution for his actions during the war by being able to provide evidence that he was forced by his father.?á However he would secretly harbour true loyalty to the cause, wanting to restore the Selwyn family wealth and influence which he would see as his birthright.?á Then he would have been lying low in the UK over the last few years, waiting for an opportunity he'd been promised by his father - hopefully slotting nicely into the developing DE plots.

    This is just a brief summary of my ideas :) hoping for permission to use Selwyn to help build this background



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