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November 2005

Current Events

To learn more, please visit the November 2005 issue of The Daily Prophet!


Check out Playtime, Plots, & Events for current IC information.


Daphne admin Daphne
Tech Admin
Dylan admin Dylan
Durmstrang Admin
Olivia admin Olivia
Hogwarts Admin
Inga admin Inga
Beauxbatons Admin
samm admin samm
Adult Character Admin
Taed gmod Taed
Carys gmod Carys


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No New Posts Announcements

Announcements pertaining to site-wide events and plot updates, new features, staff openings, and school news can be found here. Members are encouraged to read all announcements as they're posted.

4391 Posts
418 Topics

Last post by Taed
in Re: [Announcement] The D...
on April 15, 2024, 08:16:08 AM

Child Boards:The Daily Prophet archive (and other media), Old Announcements
No New Posts Questions & Answers

Please ask your questions regarding rules, graphics, school content, and more here! To ensure that your question hasn't been answered before, please consult the Frequently Asked Questions, Technical FAQ, and the MH Dictionary before starting a topic.

2950 Posts
583 Topics

Last post by bridget
in Re: Ministry Public Info...
on September 04, 2023, 08:55:07 AM

No New Posts New Player's Guide

New and confused? The New Player's Guide houses information that will help you get settled on Magical Hogwarts during your first few days. Additionally, you're welcome to come here and introduce yourself, spam, chat, and hang out while working on your sheet.

670 Posts
5 Topics

Last post by Carys
in Re: Welcome to Magical H...
on April 16, 2024, 03:58:43 PM

Child Boards:Examples

Character Creation

No New Posts The Sorting Hat

To start playing on Magical Hogwarts, all members must have an approved character sheet. For more information on creating your character's profile, check within. This is also where you'll go to get your character approved.

567 Posts
24 Topics

Last post by Zina Shishkina
in Re: Character changes & ...
on April 09, 2024, 09:03:13 PM

Child Boards:Student & Adult Character Guides
No New Posts Established Family Backgrounds

The Established Family Background (EFB) system has been developed to give an outline of social status within the characters on the board and to ensure that there is a wide variety of professions portrayed in the role play forums. Not all characters are required to have an EFB, however if your character comes from an influential or rich background they will require one.

4 Posts
2 Topics

Last post by Ariana Laurier
in Re: Location changes
on July 05, 2017, 12:14:22 PM

No New Posts Member Services

The forum is where you can claim a model for your character, request account deletion, archive or unarchive your character, view the class roster and MH/canon timelines, or request a badge for your accounts!

540 Posts
14 Topics

Last post by Oberon Hampton
in Re: MH Class Roster & Sc...
on April 10, 2024, 01:08:48 AM

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry

No New Posts Hogwarts Castle

Hogwarts is a seven-story stone castle with four high towers and one-hundred-and-forty-two staircases. The castle itself is imbued with magic and over the many, many years has become semi-sentient, known to protect itself and its inhabitants.

45 Posts
17 Topics

Last post by Sara Lee
in Re: [BoT 2005] some nigh...
on April 07, 2024, 08:34:25 AM

Child Boards:Great Hall, Gryffindor Tower, Hufflepuff Basement, Ravenclaw Tower, Slytherin Basement, Classes
No New Posts Hogwarts Grounds

The Hogwarts grounds contain a large lake teeming with magical wildlife, courtyards and greenhouses, the Quidditch Pitch, and the Dark Forest, which is strictly off-limits to unsupervised students.

3 Posts
2 Topics

Last post by Minerva McGonagall
in [INFO] Quidditch Rules &...
on December 09, 2019, 11:15:11 PM

Child Boards:The Quidditch Pitch
No New Posts Hogsmeade

Hogsmeade is a picturesque village with cottages and shops, with enchanted candles hanging in the trees during the holidays. Visits are restricted to 3rd years and above.

1388 Posts
141 Topics

Last post by Honey Bea Flume
in Re: the view between vil...
on April 24, 2024, 08:55:38 AM

Beauxbatons Academy of Magic

No New Posts Beauxbatons Palace

The Beauxbatons Academy is a beautiful and palacial building. It is bright and welcoming.

36 Posts
11 Topics

Last post by Amandine Patenaude
in Re: [2005-09] Vouloir c’...
on April 19, 2024, 12:04:58 PM

Child Boards:Dining Hall, Bellefeuille Tower, Ombrelune Tower, Papillonlisse Tower, Classes
No New Posts Beauxbatons Lands

Fields and gardens cover the Beauxbatons grounds in Southern France.

29 Posts
8 Topics

Last post by Phil Dujardin
in Re: So...yea...what do I...
on April 22, 2024, 03:42:34 PM

Child Boards:Quidditch Pitch, Student Services
No New Posts Chatoeil

Where the Alpine foothills meet the Mediterranean Sea lies the bustling wizarding port city of Chatoeil. Only a fifteen minute walk from Beauxbatons, the elegant cobblestoned city is a favorite haunt of students and wealthy holiday makers as well as the home of artists, performers, and merchants alike.

132 Posts
24 Topics

Last post by Jaspar Travars
in Re: [ttd] the green grov...
on November 13, 2023, 11:00:19 AM

Durmstrang Institute of Magic

No New Posts Durmstrang Caves And Corridors

Come explore the many areas of Durmstrang including the Grand Hall, Common Rooms, Dormitories, Classrooms, and Miscellaneous rooms.

51 Posts
14 Topics

Last post by Kanat Zhanalin
in Re: Lights will guide yo...
on April 21, 2024, 06:43:24 PM

Child Boards:Grand Hall, Drakonya Krov House, Klyk Vampira House, Classes
No New Posts Durmstrang Territory

The sea, the sands, and the mountainous range of Döttrar Vik surrounding the school.

14 Posts
4 Topics

Last post by Mihkkal Huuskonen
in Re: Watch the warmth blo...
on March 02, 2024, 12:22:44 AM

Child Boards:Durmstrang Quidditch Pitch
No New Posts Döttrar Vik

The wizarding village closest to Durmstrang, named for the Siren tribe that lives nearby.

42 Posts
8 Topics

Last post by Dzmitry Zelenko
in Re: When all is said and...
on Yesterday at 01:17:39 AM

Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft & Wizardry

No New Posts Ilvermorny Castle

An expansive granite castle with extensive woodwork, open air hallways, and lots of natural light.

6 Posts
6 Topics

Last post by Albus Dumbledore
in [Background Information]...
on January 16, 2021, 08:22:18 PM

Child Boards:Dining Room, Horned Serpent House, Pukwudgie House, Thunderbird House, Wampus House, Classes
No New Posts Ilvermorny Grounds

Dense evergreen forests, rocky streams, and varying elevations include small level clearings, gentle sloping hills, and dangerous vertical cliffs. Well defined hiking trails wind their way around the mountain. Don't miss the abandoned and haunted Puritan settlement a little ways down the mountain.

0 Posts
0 Topics
Child Boards:Quodpot Fields
No New Posts Shackamaxon

Shackamaxon is an underground town accessed via floo or through an enchanted stairway system only visible by magic, just north of the school.

104 Posts
17 Topics

Last post by Charlie Luzzatto
in [GCH] tis the season [#o...
on March 20, 2024, 10:39:11 AM

Outside School

No New Posts British Isles

All other areas in the British Isles except Hogwarts and Hogsmeade. Hogwarts students and most staff live here.

4450 Posts
476 Topics

Last post by Kyle Gibbes
in Re: [lake bala] who am I...
on April 24, 2024, 06:46:22 PM

Child Boards:England, Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Azkaban Wizard Prison
No New Posts The Outside World

For all locations outside Britain, here you will find the homes of the Beauxbatons, Durmstrang, Ilvermorny, Castelobruxo, Koldovstoretz, Mahoutokoro, and Uagadou students and alumni.

1588 Posts
219 Topics

Last post by Graham Kerr
in Re: [marrakech] midnight...
on April 18, 2024, 02:52:55 AM

Child Boards:Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania, South America

Mysterious Locations

No New Posts Owl Mail

For letters written to and from penpals.

1310 Posts
160 Topics

Last post by Reed Stricklander
in Re: i'll meet you at the...
on April 06, 2024, 05:12:27 PM

Out Of Character Section

No New Posts Private talk and discussion

OOC discussion - We can't be in character all the time!

4966 Posts
63 Topics

Last post by Taed
in Re: MH status updates! {...
on April 25, 2024, 02:36:02 PM

The Floo Network

No New Posts Advertising

This forum is a guest-friendly place to post affiliate requests!

192 Posts
179 Topics

Last post by Sailor Moon
in Heart Moving, Sailor Moo...
on February 29, 2024, 09:01:26 PM

Child Boards:First Link, Link Back, Accepted
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Magical Hogwarts - Info Center

Recent Posts Recent Posts

Re: [ttd] hunger of the pine [alyona] by Oksana Viktorovna (Russia)
Yesterday at 04:21:43 PM
Re: When all is said and done and dead [Mihkkal] by Dzmitry Zelenko (Döttrar Vik)
Yesterday at 01:17:39 AM
Re: MH status updates! {round 12} by Taed (Private talk and discussion)
April 25, 2024, 02:36:02 PM
Re: [lake bala] who am I now? [kyle] by Kyle Gibbes (Wales)
April 24, 2024, 06:46:22 PM
Re: the view between villages | h by Honey Bea Flume (Hogsmeade)
April 24, 2024, 08:55:38 AM
Re: velvet elvis [charlie] by Honey Bea Flume (London)
April 24, 2024, 08:53:40 AM
Re: When all is said and done and dead [Mihkkal] by Mihkkal Huuskonen (Döttrar Vik)
April 24, 2024, 08:13:16 AM
Re: You light my fire like a cigarette by Hyacinth Reed (Hogsmeade)
April 23, 2024, 02:27:01 AM
When all is said and done and dead [Mihkkal] by Dzmitry Zelenko (Döttrar Vik)
April 22, 2024, 09:19:09 PM
Re: So...yea...what do I do next? (Célestine) by Phil Dujardin (Beauxbatons Lands)
April 22, 2024, 03:42:34 PM
Re: Does this really count as sport...(Dino) by Phil Dujardin (Beauxbatons Lands)
April 22, 2024, 08:45:53 AM
Re: Lights will guide you home [Kostas] by Kanat Zhanalin (Klyk Vampira House)
April 21, 2024, 06:43:24 PM
Re: Lights will guide you home [Kostas] by Konstantinos Krizanić (Klyk Vampira House)
April 21, 2024, 06:33:07 PM
Re: Lights will guide you home [Kostas] by Kanat Zhanalin (Klyk Vampira House)
April 21, 2024, 05:55:42 PM
Re: Lights will guide you home [Kostas] by Konstantinos Krizanić (Klyk Vampira House)
April 21, 2024, 05:43:36 PM

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